Here We Flo is officially a Certified B Corporation®, which means we’re officially bloody brilliant. Or, in other words, that b*tches really do be BCorpin’.
But “what is a Certified B Corporation®?!” we hear you ask. Fear not, it took most of us at Here We Flo HQ a good while to get our heads around everything that goes into being a Certified B Corporation® (and it’s a LOT). In a nutshell, it’s a certification held by businesses that are truly doing good for people and the planet. We’re now proud to be a part of a UK community of businesses who have chosen not always to take the easy route, but absolutely the right route.
We were assessed on five key impact areas: Governance, Workers, Community, Environment and Customers by B Lab (the guys behind the certification). To become a Certified B Corporation® you must score at least 80 points but Here We Flo achieved 109.9 points! In B Corp™ terms that’s a really high score, like, higher than your hormones right before your period starts kind of high.
Putting purpose above profit isn’t anything new around here. Since Here We Flo began we’ve donated 5% of profits to people + planet. To date we’ve donated over 58,000 period pads to those in need and will continue to help fight period poverty through the amazing partners and organisations we team up with, like Bloody Good Period and AKT.
Plus, we only use planet-friendly materials in our period care, bladder care and sexual wellness lines - so all our messiest moments don’t make a mess of our planet. It’s through our industry-leading, carbon neutral products that we reached our bloody brilliant score of 109.9 points. FLO organic cotton tampons are compostable, whilst our FLO & glo pads, liners and XO! condoms are all biodegradable. Our XO! Condoms are even made in a solar-powered factory, cool, huh?! Our products scored so highly because the ingredients we use save water (bamboo); promote land and wildlife conservation (regenerative and organic materials) and reduce environmental toxins (no plastics, pesticides or synthetics).

Here’s what our Co-founder, Susan, has to say about Here We Flo becoming a B Corp™:
“Becoming a B Corp is a dream come true for us. Our vision for Here We Flo was to create a business that did good from cradle to customer and B Corp™ is proof that we're succeeding in that vision. Achieving our B Corp™ status has only redoubled our motivation to continue being sustainably funny, feminist and fierce, and creating a world where our messiest bodily moments inspire laughter rather than feelings of shame and stigma.”
Here We Flo is home to three bad*ss brands: FLO period care, XO! sexual wellness and glo bladder care. Each time you buy, subscribe or share our products, you’re helping to change the personal care industry for the better and that makes you bloody brilliant!